1. Preparation of documents on labor protection
1.1. Methodology for assessing the risk of the working environment of SIA AHG;
1.2. Plan of labor protection measures;
1.3. Occupational health and safety monitoring;
1.4. On the price of factors and the degree of risk at the workplace or by type of work;
1.5. Determination of the company's compliance with the requirements of the regulatory acton
labor protection;
1.6. Preparation of labor protection regulations;
1.7. Training and instructions for labor protection in the profession or types of work;
1.8. Preparation of mandatory medical examinations;
1.9. Composition of chemical substances;
1.10. Preparation of personal protective equipment from the list;
1.11. Schedule/list of equipment maintenance;
1.12. Employees' medical examination cards;
1.13. Occupational safety and health urns;
1.14. Protocol of indicative measurements;
1.15. Documents confirming the competence of
2. Updating of labor protection documents once a year
2.1. Methodology for assessing the risk of the working environment of SIA AHG;
2.2. Occupational safety and health measures;
2.3. Occupational health and safety monitoring;
2.4. On the price of factors and degrees of risk at the workplace or by type of work;
2.5. Determination of the company's compliance with the requirements of the regulatory acton
labor protection;
If the personnel, type of activity, equipment, etc. have changed, the documents are revised,
updated and supplemented.
3. Presence of a labor protection specialist at least once a month
3.1. Determination of compliance (for example, safety of chemicals and chemical products,
safety of hazardous equipment) of the company with the requirements of the regulatory acton
labor protection;
3.2. On the price of factors and the degree of risk at the workplace or by type of work
3.3. Development of a plan of measures for labor protection aimed at preventing or reducing to
an acceptable level the identified risks of the production environment and ensuring the
compliance of the enterprise with the requirements of regulatory acts on labor protection.
3.4. With the establishment of the labor protection system at the enterprise;
3.5. Internal over sight of the working environment;
3.6. On the existence of internal oversight of the working environment;
3.7. Improving the internal oversight of the working environment;
3.8. On training and advanced training of employees in the field of labor protection;
3.9. On the organization of mandatory medical examinations of employees;
3.10. To advise the company on labor protection issues;
3.11. Periodic inspection and control over the ongoing measures on labor protection and their
3.12. On the implementation of preventive measures to eliminate or reduce the risk of the
production environment of the enterprise to an acceptable level;
3.13. To advise on the creation of new jobs in the company;
3.14. Investigation of accidents and occupational diseases in the company;
3.15. And forming and advising the company on the latest changes in the legislation on labor
3.16. To perform other tasks to improve the working environment in the company;
3.17. In perform indicative measurements of noise, lighting, humidity and room temperature.
3.18. If necessary, upon agreement with you, I will arrange for measurements of noise, lighting,
humidity and room temperature, vibration, chemicals in an accredited laboratory.